Dear Steve, Margarita, and Rohan,
This isn't actually the letter I was planning on starting with, but I think I'll start here anyway.
I'm sorry I stole your blog name. I tried for the address as well, which is how I discovered that you exist. I didn't really read much on your blog, but I wish you well in the endeavor.
Sorry about your break-up.
I actually read about 1 and 1/2 of your posts. Your writing style is humorous, and I really see it going two ways: either A) You provide a moment of laughter in the day of someone who could probably use it. or B) Your letters are a bane to working professionals who waste time trying to solve your problem in those little moments before they realized they've been pranked.
To all,
I sat down to start a blog this morning and had to try five times before I could get an address, well, actually six. This reinforces my practice of never fully forming ideas. I just come up with half an idea, say, "I bet somebody else has already thought of this," and I google it. I am seldom wrong. It works especially well on holiday entertaining, dining and decorating ideas.
The very fact that so many of our search queries return relevant results is indicative of the fact that we as a human race are in this boat together. Lots of us want to know how to pull off a bunny diving into a cupcake for Easter dinner. Lots of us want to know when to take our newborn to the doctor with a fever, and how can we tell when a baby that small has an earache? There are so many of us wondering when Disney is going to release Lilo and Stitch the Series on DVD, or start distributing the next season of the Muppets, that we have whole sites dedicated to just talking about it. By the way, I'm waiting for the DVD release of the Muppets Hey, Cinderella! Such a good show.
My husband and I do seem to be sort of alone in waiting for Marblehead Manor to come to DVD. It's such a funny show, how could it fail to make it to season 2? Oh, well. We can't all be the same. Snowflakes, right?
Please don't worry that I'm trying to steal your thunder. I expect this blog to have three readers: two of my sisters, and my husband. We'll make it four, because I expect my mother will read it at least once.
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